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15 Day Brazil Tour

Rio de Janeiro, Iguacu Falls, the Amazon & Pantanal

15 Days

Activity Level:

When To Go:

Countries Visited:

Arrive In / Depart From:
Manaus (MAO) / Iguacu Falls (IGU)

Max Group Size:

Tour Style:

Price From:

Discover the country's true culture with the help of experienced local guides.

  • Small group sizes to help escape the beaten path.
  • Authentic local experiences with lots of inclusions.
Tour Overview
Tour Overview

Click the icons below for more info:
Countries Visited: 1 Activity Level: 1 Tour Style: Cultural

Whether you are looking for the hustle and bustle of city life and activity or the serene calm and beauty of untouched nature, this memorable Brazil tour is just the ticket!

From canoeing trips along the prestigious Amazon River, to admiring the colourful vibrancy of marketplaces and from walking the remote paths through the wildlife-rich Pantanal, to soaking in the samba spirit in the ever-exciting Rio, this 14-day adventure brings the best of both worlds.

We discover the place that houses the largest concentration of wildlife on the continent in the Pantanal, the longest river in the world (as well as the largest rainforest) in the Amazonas and one of the most breathtaking waterfalls on the planet at Iguacu Falls.

We complete our incredible South American experience by absorbing unforgettable sights and sounds in some of the continent's most notable cities.



Dates & Prices
Dates & Prices


Prices below are per person, twin-sharing costs in US Dollars (USD). Pricing does not include airfare to/from the tour and any applicable taxes. For single supplement rates and taxes (if any), please refer to below Prices & Dates table. For general information on flights to/from the tour, click here.

Your Travel and Accommodation Arranged For You

Tips Included for Driver, Restaurant Staff, Local Guides

Authentic Local Experiences With Lots Of Inclusions.

Select a date below to reserve your spot:


The above prices are subject to an additional $74 for taxes/fees levied on flights that occur as part of the tour. The internal airfares ARE included (any exceptions are listed in red below), but we list the taxes separately on your invoice as they are beyond our control and can change at any time.

Optional Single Supplement: $1680 USD (number of singles limited).
This tour may require a mandatory single supplement charge of $850 if you join our share program and we are unable to pair you.



Full Itinerary
Full Itinerary

Download Itinerary

Day 1 Arrive in Manaus
Today we arrive in Manaus, gateway to the Amazon.

Amazonas is by far the largest of Brazil's states, covering an area that is almost a quarter of the national territory. Half of the Amazon River's 6275 km (4,000 mile) length is in Brazil with some 100-plus tributaries. Standing on the shores of the Rio Negro, 1500 km (900 miles) upriver from Belem and the point where the Amazon reaches the Atlantic, Manaus was originally a Portuguese settlement where a fort was built in 1669. The name of the city comes from the Manaos Indian tribe that inhabits the area.

For those arriving early today, we'll have an informal look around Manaus, including the Municipal Market and the famous Amazonas Theatre. The magnificent Manaus Opera House (also known as The Amazon Theatre) is a working historical landmark that currently accommodates the Amazonas Philharmonic and plays host to the annual Amazonas Opera Festival. Construction on the neo-classical style Teatro Amazonas began in the late 1880's at a time when the plantation barons of Manaus were flush with cash due to the thriving rubber export business. Sparing no expense, the barons imported artists, designers and materials from across Europe.

Overnight in Manaus.

Included Meal(s): Dinner

Day 2 Manaus - Amazon: Amazon Exploration
Today we transfer from Manaus to our Amazon lodge. This transfer may be by road, by boat or a combination of both.

The very mention of the name Amazon conjures up images of adventure and mystery. Designated the world's largest rainforest and one of the world's largest rivers, Amazon defines the word "exotic". The term "rainforest" describes forests that grow in constant humid conditions. They can occur whenever the annual rainfall is above 2000 mm (80 inches) per year, and high temperatures favour plant development. The Amazon River is almost 6440 km (4,000 miles) long, with a volume of water equal to 11 times the volume of the Mississippi River. Amazonia, consisting mainly of forest, forms more than 50% of Brazil's area, though only 7% of its total population. Most of the Amazon's inhabitants live in and around a few cities including Manaus, a thousand miles from the ocean.

Using a comfortable lodge as a base, we will explore the Amazon's maze of forest and mysterious waters by boat and on foot. During our time here we hope to observe exotic birds such as parrots, toucans, and macaws. We also hope to spot sloths and monkeys during our exploration. You may even have the chance to see the "boto", a kind of river dolphin.

* NOTE: Our activities in the Amazon will vary depending upon seasonality, weather, and other considerations, at the discretion of your Tour Leader and local Amazon guides.

Overnight at an Amazon lodge.

Included Meal(s): Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner

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Day 3 Amazon: Bird Watching, Forest Walks & Village Visits
Today we continue with our exploration of the Amazon. This morning we will enjoy an early morning canoe trip for bird watching, and to enjoy the morning sounds of the jungle. There are good chances of seeing large flocks of egrets and cormorants. If possible, we hope to visit a Caboclo village, home to a population whose ancestors were half-Indian, half-Portuguese. Many of these inhabitants make a living on manioc plantations, fishing, diverse fruit trees, rubber, Brazil-nut trees, wood and other extractive products. A night trip by boat or on foot will enable us to see nocturnal animals, sometimes including nighthawks, snakes, toro-rats, sloths and frogs.

SEASONALITY: in the rainy season, which roughly runs from mid-December to mid-May, the temperature is a bit cooler than the June-December dry season. The average daytime temperature in the rainy season is usually in the mid-20's C (80's F) with nighttime lows in the mid teens C (70's to high 60's). In the dry season the daytime temperature can go up to the mid-30's C (90's) though there is much variability and cool days are common. Nighttime temperatures during the dry season are usually in the mid-20's (70's), though there are also some very cool nights.

Is it desirable to travel to the Amazon in the rainy season? Yes! Even though it does rain more this time of year, it is also true that many plants have evolved to fruit and flower during the rainy season, which attracts birds and primates to the water's edge for us to observe. The gigantic thunderstorms are a great pleasure to observe.

Overnight at an Amazon lodge.

Included Meal(s): Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner

Day 4 Amazon - Manaus - Fly to Brasilia
This morning we will say goodbye to the Amazon and transfer to Manaus airport for our afternoon flight to Brasilia, Brazil's modern, purpose-built capital.

It was as far back as the early 1800's that the idea of an inland capital for Brazil was first discussed. A Salesian priest from Italy dreamed that a new, economically powerful civilization would rise up at the geographical centre of Brazil. It would take almost a century and a half before the dream was realized in 1960 by then President Juscelino Kubitschek.

Overnight in Brasilia.

Included Meal(s): Breakfast and Dinner

Day 5 Brasilia: City Tour
Today we have a tour of this fascinating city.

Our tour includes the chapel of Our Lady of Fatima; Dom Bosco's Church, one of the most beautiful buildings of the city. We will ascend the central TV Tower, with its lovely views over the entire city from its observatory platform. We will also stop at the memorial for Juscelino Kubitschek, the builder and founder of Brasilia and former President of Brazil.

During our time here we will also see the cathedral and the Three Power Square, where we will see the Congress Building and Planalto Palace (the office of the President and Supreme Court).

Overnight in Brasilia.

Included Meal(s): Breakfast and Dinner

Day 6 Brasilia - Campo Grande - Pantanal
Our destination for today is the Pantanal, home to the highest concentration of wildlife in South America. We must first fly to Campo Grande, the gateway to the Pantanal. Upon arrival we transfer by road to the Pousada Aguape, situated 160 km (100 miles) from Campo Grande. The Aguape Ranch was founded 155 years ago and is still owned by the same family. Through the years the farm activities have diversified. The Ranch is home for a regional horse breeder, and a Hyacinth Macaw project, cattle ranching, and now a tourism area with a large variety and quantity of wildlife.

The Pousada Aguape is equipped with 15 air-conditioned rooms, each with a ceiling fan. The pousada has a swimming pool, bar, small gift shop and a restaurant. The great diversity of animal species in the region arises from vast differences in habitat. Savannah flood plains, dry forests and humid, temperate zones co-exist with grassy plains and scrubby vegetation. A total of over 80 mammal, 50 reptile, and 375 bird species have been identified here; however, none of them are indigenous to the area. Among the residents are 13 endangered species -- among them jaguar, otter and anteater.

This afternoon after our arrival we will enjoy an open-vehicle safari. Here we are surrounded by nature with palm tree forests, open savanna and riverside terrain. The opportunity for wildlife viewing is great -- and we can hope to see anything from giant anteaters and armadillo to bat-eating fox and a plethora of bird species. Watch for the Jaribu Stork, Hyacinth Macaw and the Plumbeous Ibis.

Overnight in Pantanal region.

Included Meal(s): Breakfast and Dinner

Day 7 Pantanal Exploration
Today will be spent exploring this remarkable region. In its two distinct seasons, the Pantanal presents a constant, unequaled spectacle. From December to April is the flood season when the rivers overflow and spread themselves for miles uniting with the bays and creeks creating a true ocean of sweet water. This is a beautiful period of Pantaneira flora -- the green explodes and provides breeding ground for flora and water-loving fauna. Excursions at this time of year usually involve exciting exploration by boat/canoe for at least part of the time.

We may start our day with a safari walk through the lush riverside forests of the Aquidauana River. This walk allows us to experience up-close the natural beauty of the Pantanal region. We have the chance to explore this stunning area and its abundant wildlife, and learn all about the flora and fauna that make this place unique.

An evening game drive will allow us the chance to discover nocturnal species, as animals are best viewed during the cooler hours of the day. The Pantanal of South America is one of the most immense, pristine and biologically rich environments on the planet. Often referred to as the world’s largest freshwater wetland system, with its extraordinarily concentrated and diverse flora and fauna, and a landscape spanning a variety of ecological sub-regions The Pantanal stands as one of the world’s great natural wonders.

Overnight in the Pantanal region.

Included Meal(s): Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner

Day 8 Pantanal: Full Day
Today we get to continue our exploration of the Pantanal. The Pantanal is renowned for it spectacled caimans -- a crocodile species which grow up to 3m (10 feet) in length. Once nearly endangered, today there are nearly 10 million in existence in the Pantanal. In addition, the area's waterways are filled with brightly-coloured kingfisher and teem with the infamous piranha. Birds abound in the Pantanal and are more numerous than anywhere else in South
America. Look out for eagle, stork, nandu, jabiru, macaw and ibis.

One of our activities today we be a boat safari along the Aguidauana River. This area is an unparalleled wildlife sanctuary of spectacular beauty, an ecological paradise containing hundreds of species of birds, thousands of varieties of butterflies, myriad brightly-coloured flowers, and shoals of fish. Capuchin and Howler monkeys, capybaras, toucans, anacondas, caimans and tapirs help create an aquatic theater of sights and sounds.

There will also be the chance today to enjoy a horse ride. This will take place in the early morning or late afternoon in order to avoid the intense heat of the day. For many, horseback riding is the best way to get into the heart of the Pantanal, getting to places that normally cannot be reached by regular means of transportation.

Overnight in the Pantanal region.

Included Meal(s): Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner

Day 9 Pantanal - Campo Grande - Rio de Janeiro
Today we travel to Campo Grande from where we fly to Rio de Janeiro, the Cidade Marvailhosa (marvelous city). Our sightseeing in Rio will be a combination of bus and on-foot exploration; you must be prepared to be on your feet for some hours at a time.

Seven million Cariocas are jammed into one of the world's most beautiful city setting -- between ocean and escarpment. This makes Rio one of the most densely populated places on earth. Cariocas pursue pleasures like no other people: beaches and the body beautiful, samba and football; cerveja (beer); and cachaca (sugar-cane rum). In Rio everything ends with samba -- football games, weddings, work, political demonstrations and, of course, a day at the beach. There's a lust for life, and a love of romance, music, dance and a talk that distinguishes the Cariocas from everyone else.

Overnight in Rio de Janeiro.

Included Meal(s): Breakfast and Dinner

Day 10 Rio de Janeiro: Leisure Time & Copacabana Beach
What can be said about this city, the "Cidade Maravilhosa", except that it lives up to its nickname? It is certainly one of the most beautiful and dramatically situated cities on the planet. In Rio there is no getting away from the sand and the sea; the city is built almost entirely along beaches and bays with forest-clad mountains as its backdrop.

After breakfast this morning we will have some well-placed down-time, with some leisurely afternoon introductory sightseeing to be outlined by your Tour Leader. As some travellers may be arriving today on a tour option that starts in Rio, our main program will commence tomorrow morning.

This afternoon your Tour Leader will lead you on a relaxed stroll along part of Copacabana Beach, which is about 4.5 km long (almost 3 miles). Here you can practise your Brazilian Portuguese a bit with the laid-back Cariocas, as the citizens of Rio are known: "Tudo bem?" "Tudo bom!"

Overnight in Rio de Janeiro.

Included Meal(s): Breakfast and Dinner

Day 11 Rio de Janeiro: City Touring & Christ the Redeemer
Today we have a full-day tour of Rio.

The city is divided into a zona norte (north zone) and a zona sul (south zone) by the Serra da Carioca, steep mountains that are part of the Parque Nacional da Tijuca. These mountains descend to the edge of the city centre, where the zonas norte and sul meet.

Corcovado, one of these mountain peaks, offers us the best way to become familiar with the city's geography -- from it you have views of both zones. The statue Cristo Redentor (Christ the Redeemer), with his outstretched arms, gazes down on the Bahia da Guanabara and the landmark Pao de Acucar (Sugar Loaf). His left arm points toward the zona norte, and his right toward the zona sul suburbs of Copacabana, Ipanema, Leblon and beyond. We will go to the foot of the mountain from where we travel by an electric tramway car to the top. We have plenty of time at the summit to take in this world-famous view!

We continue with a drive through the city center. Here we will also enjoy a walking tour and a break for lunch. The Centro in Rio, or the city center, is the oldest neighbourhood and the site where Rio de Janeiro was founded. Today it is not only the historic core but also the commercial, administrative and financial center. We will see one of Rio's finest buildings, the Theatro Municipal, hidden amongst busy roads. The Metropolitan Cathedral of Rio was completed in 1979, and its unique architectural style was based on the Mayan architectural style of pyramid construction.

Later in our day we enjoy a sightseeing ride along Rio's beaches -- Leblon, Ipanema and Copacabana. One of the world's most famous beaches runs in front of one of the world's most densely populated residential areas. There is always something happening on the beach during the day and along the footpaths at night: drinking, singing, eating and all kinds of people checking out the scene; tourists watching Brazilians. From the scalloped beach you can see the granite slabs that surround the entrance to the bay -- a magnificent meeting of land and sea. Different parts of the beach attract different crowds.

Overnight in Rio de Janeiro.

Included Meal(s): Breakfast and Dinner

Day 12 Rio de Janeiro: City Touring, Sugarloaf Mountain & Free Time
Today we continue to explore this world-class city.

We will voyage to the top of Sugarloaf Mountain. From the top of this celebrated peak, the city, Baia de Guanabara, and the winding coastline are stretched out dazzling below. To reach the summit at a lofty 400 m (1,325 feet) it is necessary to take two cable cars. A clear day will supply the most spectacular of views: the uncurling arch of the Praia de Copacabana, its miles of tiles glistening in the sun's last rays. From the top you'll see Corcovado Mountain, with the massive statue of Cristo Redemtor, his arms extended in mercy and blessing.

We will stroll through parts of Santa Teresa, a small neighborhood located on top of the Santa Teresa hill. Close to the center of Rio, this district is famous for its winding, narrow streets that are a favourite spot for artists and tourists. Nearby is the Carioca Aqueduct, to which we take the local tram from Santa Teresa neighbourhood down to the aquaduct -- the views are amazing and its a charming local experience. Located in the city center, the aqueduct was built in the middle of the 18th century to bring fresh water from the Carioca River to the population of the city.

There will be some free time this afternoon for you to explore on your own and perhaps stroll along the beachside avenue nearby our hotel.

Overnight in Rio de Janeiro.

Included Meal(s): Breakfast and Dinner

Day 13 Rio de Janeiro - Iguacu Falls
This morning we fly to Iguacu Falls.

Made up of many cascades producing vast sprays of water, this is unquestionably one of the most spectacular waterfalls in the world!! The surrounding subtropical rainforest has over 2,000 species of vascular plants and is home to the typical wildlife of the region: tapirs, giant anteaters, howler monkeys, ocelots, jaguars and caymans. The Falls are formed by the Rio Iguacu, which has its source near Curitiba. Starting at an altitude of 1300 m (4,264 feet), the river snakes westward, picking up tributaries and increasing in size and power during its 1200 km (745 mile) journey. About 15 km (9 miles) before joining the Rio Parana, the Iguacu broadens out, and then plunges precipitously over an 80 m (263 foot) high cliff. The 275 interlinking cataracts extend nearly 3 km (2 miles) across the river.

On arrival, we'll head to the viewing area from where you will quickly appreciate the enormous size of the falls. From numerous spots all along the path there are excellent views, at first across the lower river at a point where it has narrowed to channel width. At the bottom of the path, where the river widens again, there's a catwalk leading out towards the falls themselves. Depending on the force of the river, the spray can be quite heavy so, if you have a camera, be sure to carry a plastic bag. Special walkways have been built along the path allowing visitors to get close up to this wonder of natural beauty and power.

Overnight at Iguacu Falls.

Included Meal(s): Breakfast and Dinner

Day 14 Iguacu Falls
Today is yours to enjoy the Iguacu / (Iguazu in Spanish) area.*

You have the option today of viewing the falls from the Argentine side*. Voted as one of the 'Seven Natural Wonders of the World', Iguazu Falls is undoubtedly one of the most imposing natural attractions in Argentina and the world. On this side of the falls there are 2 circuits: an upper path and a lower path. On this excursion you will view the falls from both the upper and lower paths. The upper paths provide some stunning panoramic views, and the lower path leads to the base of the falls, where the spray moistens visitors. This excursion is an unforgettable experience for any traveler! Located in the Northeastern tip of Argentina and bordering the Brazilian state of Parana to the north, Iguazú National Park, jointly with its sister park Iguacu in Brazil, is among the world's visually and acoustically most stunning natural sites for its massive waterfalls. It was added to the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1984.

(NOTE: This excursion is an OPTIONAL expense; please contact us for the current cost).

* Please note that today your Tour Leader may be continuing to the Argentina side with passengers booked on a longer tour option. If this is the case, your day will be unaccompanied and your evening meals will be included at your hotel. Your airport transfer and departure will be managed by our local representative.

Overnight at Iguacu Falls.

Included Meal(s): Breakfast and Dinner

Day 15 Departure
Departure from Iguacu (Airport Iguassu / IGU).


Included Meal(s): Breakfast



Trip Info
Trip Info

Breakfast and dinner daily (hotels and local restaurants).

All accommodation, transport, sightseeing and entrance fees for sites noted as 'visited' in the detailed itinerary.

Gratuities for local guides, drivers, restaurant staff, porters.

Airport transfers for land & air customers and for early arriving / late departing land & air customers who book their extra hotel nights through us.

International airfare to/from the tour.

Tour Leader gratuity, lunches, drinks, personal items (phone, laundry, etc), departure taxes, domestic and international air taxes (if applicable).

Airport transfers for Land Only customers.

Optional trip cancellation insurance.

Our post-reservation trip notes offer further guidance on optional meal costs, shopping, visas, and locally paid departure taxes.

Seasonality and Weather
November will be warm and humid, but not as hot as summer months (Jan / Feb). Short tropical rainstorms occur throughout the year but they should not adversely affect travel plans.
AMAZON: June-December dry season. The daytime temperature can go up to the mid-30's C (90's F) though there is much variability and cool days are common. Night-time temperatures are usually in the mid-20's C (70's F), though there are also some very cool nights.

PANTANAL: November in the Pantanal heralds the very beginning of the rainy season. February is the rainy season, which sounds negative, but it is actually a beautiful, green time of birds and excursions by boat or canoe.

Transport and Travel Conditions
Road transport by private air-conditioned motor coach, 24-36 seats depending on ultimate group size (see 'group size'). Internal flights via scheduled local carriers. Numerous walking tours on uneven surfaces.

Am I suitable for this tour? Please refer to our self-assessment form.

Activity Level: 1
No particular physical activity is involved other than town/city walks and short walks to dinners and sites of interest, some of which are large.

To learn more about the Activity levels, please visit our tour styles page.

Mid-range hotels (3 star). Single rooms are limited and likely smaller than doubles. Porter service is usually available though you should be independent with your luggage, especially at airports.

Pantanal lodge: Private bathrooms, hot water, screened windows, ceiling fans, air- conditioning, 110 volt outlets.

Amazon lodge: Rustic bungalows in a preserved forest area with typical regional architectural design, with screened windows. Hot water, fan and air-conditioning.

Elsewhere: Well-located, air-conditioned, mid-range (3 star) hotels with en suite toilet and bath throughout (probably shower only).

Staff and Support
Tour Leader, driver, local naturalist guides.

Group Size
18 (plus Tour Leader)

Tour Extensions
This tour is part of a series that can be upgraded to make for a longer trip. For more options, please refer to tour code/s:

Brazil, Chile & Argentina
Tour Overview
Brazil, Chile & Argentina
Tour Overview



Map & Hotels
Map & Hotels

Regions visited: South America
Countries visited: Brazil

*The red tour trail on the map does not represent the actual travel path.

The following is a list of sample hotels at some locations included on this tour. The hotels shown here are meant to provide a general sense of the standard of hotel we usually aim for; they are not necessarily confirmed for your chosen departure.

Juma Amazon Lodge
3 Star Accommodation 3 Star Accommodation 3 Star Accommodation
Location: Manaus
Country: Brazil
Located in the middle of the Amazon Forest in a remote and preserved region, the Juma Amazon Lodge is a small and comfortable hotel designed to be fully integrated into the forest. ... construction and operation respect the limits of the environment, after all, without the forest the hotel would not exist.

The Juma Amazon Lodge has only 19 bungalows, with its construction fully integrated into the Amazon Rainforest. It was built on solid ground on stilts, in the treetops. This procedure is necessary to meet the flood seasons of rivers where the water level can rise up to 15 meters.
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Manhattan Plaza Hotel
4 Star Accommodation 4 Star Accommodation 4 Star Accommodation 4 Star Accommodation
Location: Brasilia
Country: Brazil
The Manhattan Plaza accommodations offer safety and comfort. Apartments with 49 m², in options with a double bed, two single beds or three single beds. All with tiled floors, balcony and spacious ... High-speed internet and an elaborate breakfast buffet served in the Manhattan Restaurant is a courtesy to guests.
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Pousada Aguape
3 Star Accommodation 3 Star Accommodation 3 Star Accommodation
Location: Pantanal
Country: Brazil
The farm has been run by the same family for some 150 years. Since 1989 it has diversified its activities, continuing with cattle but starting to work with ecological tourism and fishing, ... is also taking part in other projects such as Hyacinth Macaw project and Organic Veal.

Located in a rich area formed by typical wetland vegetation and open pastures with patches of stunted vegetation (cerrado), lakes, lowlands, pond outlets and the Aquidauana River with its exuberant gallery forest.

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Windsor Plaza Copacabana
4 Star Accommodation 4 Star Accommodation 4 Star Accommodation 4 Star Accommodation
Location: Rio de Janeiro
Country: Brazil
Location, practicality, comfort and beauty. Everything you need for a great stay is at Windsor Plaza Copacabana. Close to Copacabana Beach, the hotel provides a unique experience for those looking to explore ... best of Rio de Janeiro and enjoy their trip to the fullest.
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Sanma Hotel
5 Star Accommodation 5 Star Accommodation 5 Star Accommodation 5 Star Accommodation 5 Star Accommodation
Location: Iguacu Falls
Country: Brazil
Occupying the space of the traditional Hotel San Martin, SANMA, the hotel development closest to the entrance to the Iguaçu National Park. The boutique hotel was completely redesigned by the architectural firm ... one of the main references in hotel architecture in Latin America. Privileging the guest experience, unique living spaces were created, which connect with the personality offered in common and private areas and nature.
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Vivaz Cataratas Hotel Resort
4 Star Accommodation 4 Star Accommodation 4 Star Accommodation 4 Star Accommodation
Location: Iguacu Falls
Country: Brazil
Vivaz Cataratas Hotel Resort & Aquaparque, located in the main tourist corridor of Foz do Iguaçu, draws attention for its bold architecture in semicircular format, inspired by the works of the world-famous ... architect, Oscar Niemeyer. The project was already very modern at the beginning of its construction in the 80's.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
01. What is the maximum number of participants on a trip?
Most of our tours carry a maximum of 18 participants; some tours (ie hiking tours) top out at 16. In the event that we do not achieve our minimum complement by our 90-day deadline, we may offer group members the option of paying a "small-group surcharge" as an alternative to cancellation. If all group members agree, we will confirm the trip at existing numbers; this surcharge is refundable in the event that we ultimately achieve our regular minimum. If the small group surcharge is not accepted, we will offer a refund of your deposit or a different trip of your choice.
02. Can I extend my tour either at the beginning or end? What about stopovers?
Yes, you can extend your tour either at the beginning or the end and we can book accommodation in our tour hotel. Stopovers are often permitted, depending on air routing. Stopovers usually carry a "stopover" fee levied by the airline.
03. How do I make a reservation? How and when do I pay?
The easiest way to make a reservation is via our website; during office hours, you are also more than welcome to contact us by telephone. A non-refundable deposit is payable at the time of booking; if a reservation is made within 90 days, full payment is required. Some trips require a larger deposit. If international airline bookings require a non-refundable payment in order to secure space or the lowest available fare, we will require an increase in deposit equal to the cost of the ticket(s). Early enrolment is always encouraged as group size is limited and some trips require greater preparation time. Once we have received your deposit, we will confirm your space and send you a confirmation package containing your trip itinerary, any visa/travel permit related documents, invoice, clothing and equipment recommendations, general information on your destination(s), and forms for you to complete, sign and return to us. Your air e-tickets (if applicable), final hotel list, final trip itinerary, and instructions on how to join your tour, will be sent approximately 2-3 weeks prior to departure.
04. What about cancellations, refunds, and transfers?
Please review our cancellation policy page for details.
05. I am a single who prefers my own room. What is a single supplement?
All of our tours have a single supplement for those who want to be guaranteed their own room at each location. This supplement is a reflection of the fact that most hotels around the world do not discount the regular twin-share rate for a room by 50% for only one person occupying a room. Most hotels will give a break on the price, but usually in the range of 25-30% of the twin-share rate. This difference, multiplied by each night, amounts to the single supplement. The conventional amount can also vary from country to country and some destinations are more expensive than others for single occupancy. In order to be "single friendly," the supplements we apply are not a profit centre for us and we do our best to keep them as reasonable as possible. On most tours we limit the number of singles available, not to be punitive, but rather because many hotels allow for only a limited number of singles; some smaller hotels at remote locations also have a limited number of single rooms available. Please note that most single rooms around the world are smaller than twin-share rooms and will likely have only one bed.
06. Do you have a shared accommodation program?
Yes! If you are single traveller and are willing to share, we will do our best to pair you with a same-gender roommate. On most of our tours, if we fail to pair you, we will absorb the single supplement fee and you will default to a single room at no extra charge. At some destinations, however, where single rooms are not significantly discounted, or not at all, we may apply a "mandatory" single in the event that we cannot find you a share partner. This is usually 50% of the usual supplement, but can be as much as 100%. If applicable, this proviso will be noted on each tour page on this website, on your invoice, and in our tour date/price book (available for download under "Resources").


What People are Saying
Edward S.
Alliston - CA
We most enjoyed the "eco-tour" experiences in Manhaus and the Pantenal. We chose this BR1 itinerary because we love nature and wanted the outdoor experiences. They were wonderful. We found all the local guides to be excellent!! Their knowledge and excellent communication skills made all our excursions fabulous. They were always courteous and arrived before their appointed meeting times. We enjoyed the excellent quality of the meals; they were varied and healthy. Buffets are inevitable (and somewhat "dangerous" when traveling), but the quality of the food and the cleanliness of preparation resulted in no illness related to meals which Adventures Abroad was responsible for. Our leader repeatedly advised us of precautions we should take related to water consumption, both from a safety perspective and because of dehydration in a very warm climate. Rachel (tour leader) is a bubbly, cheerful and competent tour leader. Her laughter and calm demeanor gave us confidence in her leadership.
Letitia H.
Camarillo, CA - US
I loved the excursions on this trip. The local guides were excellent. Martin is the kind of trip leader that every company wants to have. He is knowledgeable, personable, organized and interesting. I think everyone in the group responded well to him. I really enjoyed having Martin as my trip leader. Great trip--I loved it!!
Michael V.
Toronto, ON - CA
All excursions were well planned and very interesting.The evening meals were truly superb! Also the breakfast buffets were a joy to wake up to!!The flights by TAM were excellent, also the bus services were very pleasing. Our tour leader was always very helpful and reliable. She had a good sense of humour and good knowledge of Brazil.
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35 days from Lima (LIM) to Quito (UIO)
Our South America tour packages are truly bucket list experiences and this tour features…
33 days from Manaus (MAO) to Santiago (SCL)
On our Chile, Brazil & Argentina tour there's so much to see and do in these three…
32 days from Lima (LIM) to Guayaquil (GYE)
Home to more than one-third of the country's population, Lima is the must-see commercial…
32 days from Quito (UIO) to La Paz (LPB)
Pristine tropical jungle, exotic flora and teeming fauna serve as the most picturesque…
31 days from Lima (LIM) to Guayaquil (GYE)
Peru's capital city was once called 'The City of Kings' by Spanish conquistadors and it…
28 days from Manaus (MAO) to Ushuaia (USH)
On our Brazil, Argentina & Chile tour, you'll be arriving in Manaus in northwest Brazil,…
28 days from Lima (LIM) to Guayaquil (GYE)
Lima, or 'The City of the Kings' as it was dubbed by Spanish conquistadors, is a city…
28 days from Quito (UIO) to La Paz (LPB)
Nestled in the shadows of the Pichincha volcano high in the Andes, Ecuador's capital…
26 days from La Paz (LPB) to Montevideo (MVD)
We've offered variations on this itinerary over the years and usually for only special…
26 days from Quito (UIO) to Cuzco (CUZ)
For a comprehensive overview of the diversity and splendour of nature in South America,…
22 days from Quito (UIO) to Cuzco (CUZ)
Enjoy a varied sample of the abundance of South America as we travel to Ecuador, Peru and…
21 days from Santiago (SCL) to Santiago (SCL)
Essential Chile Tour from Adventures Abroad: This thin strip of land that combines with…
21 days from Buenos Aires (EZE) to Santiago (SCL)
Argentina & Chile Tour from Adventures Abroad: Argentina's capital, Buenos Aires, is our…
21 days from Bogota (BOG) to Panama City (PTY)
This Panama and Colombia tour is a nice combination of our highlight-packed tour of…
19 days from Buenos Aires (EZE) to Santiago (SCL)
After a comprehensive tour of the plethora of historic and cultural attractions in the…
19 days from Quito (UIO) to Quito (UIO)
This 19-day Ecuador tour is an adventure that takes us into the Amazon Basin and amid the…
Countries Visited: 1

Activity Level: 1

No particular physical activity is involved other than town/city walks and short walks to dinners and sites of interest, some of which are large.

To learn more about the Activity levels, please visit our tour styles page.
Tour Style: Cultural

These three- and four-star hotel-based, "soft adventure" trips concentrate on the culture, history, and natural attributes of our destination. Though there are no strenuous activities built into these tours, you need to be prepared for some full days with some early starts, plenty of walking on uneven surfaces through villages, cities and archaeological sites, and not a lot of "down time." Independence, reasonable fitness, and an ability to be steady on one's feet are critical in order for you to get the most out of these programs.

To learn more about the Tour Styles, please visit our tour styles page.
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